1년에 두 번, 여름과 겨울마다 일본 나가노에 가서 코리안 파티를 열고 있어요! 매번 한국 음식을 만들어 대접하는데, 가끔 메뉴판 디자인도 직접 합니다. 작년에 만든 포스터를 보다가 너무 맘에 들고 귀여워서 여기에도 공유해 봐요!

'디자인 > 디자인 워크샵 정리 in ENG' 카테고리의 다른 글
Graphic Design Tips and Tricks (0) | 2021.03.10 |
1년에 두 번, 여름과 겨울마다 일본 나가노에 가서 코리안 파티를 열고 있어요! 매번 한국 음식을 만들어 대접하는데, 가끔 메뉴판 디자인도 직접 합니다. 작년에 만든 포스터를 보다가 너무 맘에 들고 귀여워서 여기에도 공유해 봐요!
Graphic Design Tips and Tricks (0) | 2021.03.10 |
This is a book about modern interior spaces but it designed in a style that looks nothing like that.
Modern generally means minimal. A few lines, simple type, no decoration.
This cover has a half dozen attractive images in.. let's say a jaunty arrangement.
Lines skew this and that. Spaces are unpredictable.
The primary typeface is called Mistral. It's brushlike.
It looks hand-drawn.
It's not angular like the images.
It doesn't really convey modern. Modern is cooler.
Cool, mellow, low contrast page. You have horizontal bands and one vertical.
This is a rudimentary grid.
Now just align all the type to the vertical.
You'll want a single typeface in a very light weight.
It's light, sharp, precise. It requires tools to make it. I think of this as geometirc or a mechanical face.
If you couldn't draw it by hand, the light weight is airy and minimal design has a sense of airiness about it.
No shadows, nothing's askew. The modern look is simple typography. It's simplicity in layout.
It's usually on a grid like this. Two lines are all it takes.
You're not just tossing your stuff on the page and trying to arrange it like pushing furniture around.
Fewer elements, fewer decisions.
One last thing. The type is a very popular face called Gotham Narrow.
Common Mistate : filling its open spaces with words. Because they are all over, the message is in pieces. This is not how we talk or how we write.
The type is set in Times Roman Bold. Times is a default face on almost every computer on the planet.
Times Roman is good for text. Bold, not so much. But it's designed for a newspaper.
The serifs and think-thin strokes are too fussy and slow for this subject.
We need something sleek and fast. He coloured his name in blue, aviation blue which was a fine idea, but the blue is too bright relative to the photo.
The colors in the photo are desaturated.
It feels artificial. And on top of all that, he added shadows to the type.
[디자인 기록] 한국 음식 - 일본어 메뉴판 (0) | 2025.01.11 |