


  • Research — Demographic.


Build up an understanding of whom might this museum attract & create a moodboard to support your findings.


  • Research — Persona.


Complete a Persona Profile. What brands do they like? (Look for examples of those brands, logos, advertising, etc.) What are their hobbies? What do they do? Where do they live? Outline a typical day. etc.


  • Research — Competitors.


Who are they? What do their visual identities look like? What have they been applied to, and how? How do the rest of the brand components work together to create excitement and intrigue? (Collate your findings into a moodboard)


  • Research — Branding Case Studies.

Look through the links provided (and/or find your own) to see how an identity package is developed.









  • Purpose : Define the museumʼs unique selling point.


  • What makes them unique & why would it excite potential visitors/the persona?






  • Brainstorm : Link your brainstorming back to the brief and persona. Word Association techniques will also be helpful at this stage. Remember there is no such thing as a bad idea!


  • Brand Values: Define 3 words that will become your brand values.


  • Moodboards: Based on your research, start thinking about the identity as a whole and create a moodboard for general look and feel such as logo styles, typefaces, specifics about the demographic, the city and location, colour and competitors. This is loose, just keep thinking about how do these link to your persona / demographic?


  • x3 Brand Ideas (3 different routes): Define the idea for your brand (whatʼs the message?)


  • Visual Keywords: Define 3 visual keywords for each brand idea that will help to drive your moodboards


  • Name: Come up with possible names for the museum (1 for each route with a backup)







Oh Beautiful Beer








cloudwater bottles design - Google 검색

A Design Lesson From 20... shillingtoneducation.com






Free Textures Stock Photos - Stockvault.net






Free Textures






Free high resolution photography - Life of Pix

Free high resolution photography. Share and download images freely. Search for pictures by color or format. Photographers, get an account now !





Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash

Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.





Death to Stock — When stock dies art thrives.

Death to the Stock Photo is a unique stock photo resource for creatives looking to stand out.





Little Visuals

Free, high resolution images. Little Visuals began life as a passion project of Nic Jackson. Tragically, Nic died suddenly in November 2013. Whilst Nic didn’t get the chance to maintain and grow Little Visuals himself, this website remains accessible to







Free Stock Photos - SplitShire

What would you do if you had amazing royalty free photos? Download free stock photos with no copyright restrictions and real look.





해당 잡지 아티클 다 읽어서 비주얼 키워드 3개 뽑기 :

글 안에 치킨너겟이 아니라 Key Nuget, Golden Guget이 있다. 꼼꼼하게 다 읽어라. 거기서 아이디어가 다 나온다.

비주얼 키워드 (adjective, describtive) - 항상 타입, 이미지, 레이아웃과 연결되어야 한다. 잊지마시오 !


디자인 참고하면 좋을 사이트

  1. Stack
  2. Its Nice That
  3. Pentagram
  4. Savee (savee.it)

    Research & Idea Generation 
    Read the article: pull out themes to help generate an idea that will drive your design, with 3 supporting visual keywords.



Be experimental !



  • Layout
  • Type Lock Up (for title of article)
  • Image Treatment


  • Experiment with different grids

Student learning objectives - (Guide Codes - IN06 Master Pages)

To display an understanding of:

  • Requirements for editorial design
  • Designing using Paragraph/Character Styles
  • Sourcing imagery from a stock library
  • Using Photoshop to alter imagery
  • Designing a multi-page document
  • Formatting of text


무드보드 피드백

heya shinyoung, i have just submitted feedback via canvas. good job on these, i have made some feedback to really help push your explosive approach to type and image. thanks. A.


magazine moodboard w annotation.pdf




stage 3 w moodboard_s.park.pdf


아 이런... 잘못 알아듣고, 마지막 단계까지 해버렸네..


Stage 03 — Logo and Identity Development (computer)


After your feedback:

  • Develop visual identity concepts on the computer. This includes logo, secondary fonts, colour palettes, and supporting visual language.
  • Explore different ways to style your solutions (Use the SCAMPER technique)
  • Experiment with typeface and size relationships
  • Develop your logo options in black and white only at this stage, as colours may distract from the overall form & composition of your logo mark.
  • Following this, develop your primary colour palette along with secondary colours to test colour application on your options. Use your colour moodboard to help select these colours.

Further questions to consider to analyse your work:

  • What is the thinking behind your direction and what does it communicate?
  • Why would it appeal to the demographic?
  • Can you justify typefaces and colour choices?

로고 베리에이션



# 런던에서 그래픽 디자인 공부 시작

올해 2월 부터 영국 런던 쉴링턴 컬리지 (Shllington College) 에서 그래픽디자인 공부를 시작했다. 일을 하던 도중 그래픽디자인 유학을 하게 되다니. 행복!

# 브랜딩 과제 - 브라질 축구박물관

그래픽디자인 코스이니 당연히 디자인만 공부할 거라 생각했는데, 브랜딩을 어마무시하게 배운다. 체감상 디자인, 브랜딩 5:5 비율로 배우는 것 같다. 

# 중간 피드백

코로나가 본격적으로 기승을 부리는 3월 부터 강의실을 못가고, Zoom 화상채팅과 영상강의로 코스를 진행하고 있다. 과제를 제출하면 메세지 코멘트로 피드백을 받았는데, 이번에는 영상으로 받았다. 내가 제출한 과제를 보여주며 직접 목소리로 코멘트를 남겼다. 피드백 내용은 이러하다.

(시간이 없어 번역은 못할 것 같다 ^^;;)


Your persona is kind of top-line, it's really important to get into their mindset and workout what is important to them and why. Not only apply to the museum, also in general. 

For example...Why does Henry love cooking? For relaxing? Does he have a stressful job? Does he deal with kind of mental health? 

What sort of pub he might be into? Somewhere in quiet so he can connect, bond with his friend over the game? Or loud so he doesn't have to talk anyone (Is he shy that way?).

You get into the mindset of who you're designing for. That is the purpose of a Persona.

-> Dig your personas DEEPER


Take a look at the brands of your competitors. Not just logos, but their entire visual branding systems. How they apply them? Across various touchpoint with their audiences, so by looking at that you're gonna really stretch develop understanding what is compelling people to go to those competitor museums before they even see the building and their collections. So the first touchpoint people have may logo or website. What is compelling people? 

Branding Case Study:

 It does't have to be a museum, competitors. Just a brand that has been created successfully.


Colour - You don't have to use green, yellow and blue just because they're Brazil Type Colour. Think outside of box for this brand. Instead of being limited by the country's symbols and football. Try to put all aside move forward to something unique.

Brand Ideas:

 Use visual words. Refine them. Think about how to approach the key words. They affect whole visual system not just website, typography element, colours. The visual key words run through everything the whole brand system. Remember they support the brand concept. REFINE!


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