- Research — Demographic.
Build up an understanding of whom might this museum attract & create a moodboard to support your findings.
- Research — Persona.
Complete a Persona Profile. What brands do they like? (Look for examples of those brands, logos, advertising, etc.) What are their hobbies? What do they do? Where do they live? Outline a typical day. etc.
- Research — Competitors.
Who are they? What do their visual identities look like? What have they been applied to, and how? How do the rest of the brand components work together to create excitement and intrigue? (Collate your findings into a moodboard)
- Research — Branding Case Studies.
Look through the links provided (and/or find your own) to see how an identity package is developed.
- Purpose : Define the museumʼs unique selling point.
- What makes them unique & why would it excite potential visitors/the persona?
- Brainstorm : Link your brainstorming back to the brief and persona. Word Association techniques will also be helpful at this stage. Remember there is no such thing as a bad idea!
- Brand Values: Define 3 words that will become your brand values.
- Moodboards: Based on your research, start thinking about the identity as a whole and create a moodboard for general look and feel such as logo styles, typefaces, specifics about the demographic, the city and location, colour and competitors. This is loose, just keep thinking about how do these link to your persona / demographic?
- x3 Brand Ideas (3 different routes): Define the idea for your brand (whatʼs the message?)
- Visual Keywords: Define 3 visual keywords for each brand idea that will help to drive your moodboards
- Name: Come up with possible names for the museum (1 for each route with a backup)
'아련한 영국생활 > Shillington' 카테고리의 다른 글
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